Cartea se adreseaza persoanelor care au inceput antrenamentul in citirea rapida si vor sa obtina performante din ce in ce mai mari.

Este singura carte de pe piata care contine 100 de exercitii de citire rapida, cu antrenament zilnic de 20-30 minute. Insusindu-si tehnicile de citire rapida, orice persoana poate in cateva luni sa-si creasca de 4 ori viteza de citire actuala.

Recomandam cumpararea acestei carti impreuna cu MANUALUL DE CITIRE RAPIDA, cele doua carti adresandu-se incepatorilor si persoanelor cu performante medii in citirea rapida.

Metoda citirii rapide nu este noua; de zeci de ani milioane de oameni din intreaga lume si-au crescut performantele intelectuale prin aceasta metoda care functioneaza cu succes pentru oricine. In vremuri grele, de criza si instabilitate economica cea mai buna investitie este in noi, in deprinderea de abilitati si competente care sa ne ajute mai mult.

Viitorul apartine celor inteligenti!


234 pagini – 25 lei  

Puteti comanda la adresa de mail: sil.vasile@gmail.com

Pentru comenzi ferme, va rugam sa trimiteti numele si adresa la care veti primi coletul.

Mentionam ca taxele postale sunt de 5 ron, plata prin ramburs postal.

Daca acest mesaj v-a deranjat in orice fel, va rugam sa dati replay pentru a fi scosi din baza de date. Va multumim!

Va oferim cartea Homeopathic Materia Medica, W.Boericke, in limba engleza, editie limitata, format academic, 530 pag. la pretul de 60 lei.

The book contains the well known verified characteristic symptoms of all our medicines besides other less important symptoms aiding the selection of the curative remedy, All the new medicines and essentials of the published clinical experience of the school have been added. In its present compact form it contains the maximum number of reliable Materia Medica facts in the minimum space.

Mentionam ca taxele postale sunt de 10 lei. Plata se face prin ramburs postal (Posta Romana).

Pentru comenzi ferme, va rugam sa trimiteti numele si adresa la care veti primi coletul.

Puteti comanda la adresa de mail: alexandravasile84@yahoo.com

Daca acest mesaj v-a deranjat in orice fel, va rugam sa dati replay pentru a fi scosi din baza de date. Va multumim!

Va oferim cele 10 titluri din colectia Essential Homeopathic Books (cărţi tipărite în lb. engleză), peste 3100 de pagini, la pretul special de 185 lei (reducere de la 220 lei).

  1. ALLEN’S CLINICAL HINTS – T. F. Allen, 413 pag. 
  2. CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE – John H. Clarke, 167 pag. 
  3. KEYNOTES And Characteristics With Comparisons of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica – H. C. Allen,  250 pag. 
  4. KEYNOTES OF THE HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA – Dr. Adolph von Lippe, 182 pag. 
  5. NEW, OLD AND FORGOTTEN REMEDIES, VOL. 1 – E. P. Anshutz, 523 pag. 
  6. NEW, OLD AND FORGOTTEN REMEDIES, VOL. 2 – E. P. Anshutz, 500 pag. 
  7. ORGANON OF MEDICINE – S. Hahnemann, 295 pag. 
  8. PRACTICE OF HOMOEOPATHY – Paul F. Curie, 244 pag. 
  10. THE GENIUS OF HOMEOPATHY – Dr Stuart M. Close, 380 pag.

Mentionam ca taxele postale sunt de 10 lei. Plata se face prin ramburs postal (Posta Romana).

Pentru comenzi ferme, va rugam sa trimiteti numele si adresa la care veti primi coletul. 

Puteti comanda la adresa de mail: alexandravasile84@yahoo.com

Daca acest mesaj v-a deranjat in orice fel, va rugam sa dati replay pentru a fi scosi din baza de date. Va multumim!



Descriere: Aceasta editie se adauga cu succes operelor literaturii homeopate, in incercarea de pune la dispoziţia celor interesati observatiile si logica lui Boenninghausen precum si notele adaugate de Dr. Boger de-a lungul anilor sai de studiu si practica. Astfel, această editie aduce atat studenţilor homeopaţi cat si practicienilor cu experienta un serviciu notabil prin valorificarea unui volum nepreţuit.

Lucrarile lui Boenninghausen sunt reprezentative in ceea ce priveste logica, filosofia si aplicabilitatea descrise de predecesorii sai, aceasta lucrare fiind cea mai cuprinzătoare, cu 140 de remedii, avand o influenţă marcantă asupra studiului homeopatiei. Schema de prezentare a remediilor urmeaza schema clasica a Repertoarului. 

630 pagini – 50 lei.

Reducere de la 60 lei!



· GHID TERAPEUTIC – MATERIA MEDICA COMPARATA, E A Farrington Descriere: Un ajutor deosebit pentru practicieni cat si pentru incepatori, comparand principalele remedii in functie de afectiuni: anemie, boli de piele, afectiuni oculare, febra, tulburari digestive etc. 282 pagini. – PRET 30 lei.

· 2000 SIMPTOME CHEIE, E.B. Nash Descriere: 2000 simptome cheie, organizate in capitole care corespund cu partile corpului, bazate pe experienta lui Hering, Guernsey, Raue, Lippe precum si cea a autorului. 274 pagini. – PRET 30 lei.


Descriere: Cartea a fost realizata din materialul obtinut prin transcrierea inregistrarilor facute cu prilejul Conferintei de Homeopatie de la Esalen, tinuta in California , S.U.A, in 1980. Cartea prezinta confruntarea cu un numar de probleme uluitoare, rod al observatiilor unui mare maestru in Arta Vindecarii. 724 pagini – PRET 100 lei. (format academic). Reducere de la 125 lei !

Mentionam ca taxele postale sunt de 10 ron, plata prin ramburs postal. Pentru comenzi ferme, va rugam sa trimiteti numele si adresa la care veti primi coletul. Puteti comanda la adresa de mail alexandravasile84@yahoo.com.

Va puteti completa biblioteca de carti in limba engleza, cumparand urmatoarele carti esentiale pentru practica homeopata la preturi speciale, de doar 20 si 25 lei:

Essential Homeopathic Books

(cărţi tipărite si brosate în lb. engleză) 

  1. ALLEN’S CLINICAL HINTS – T. F. Allen, 413 pag, Preţ special 25 lei. 

  2. CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE – John H. Clarke, 167 pag., Preţ special 20 lei. 

  3. KEYNOTES And Characteristics With Comparisons of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica – H. C. Allen,  250 pag., Preţ special 20 lei. 

  4. KEYNOTES OF THE HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA – Dr. Adolph von Lippe, 182 pag., Preţ special 20 lei. 

  5. NEW, OLD AND FORGOTTEN REMEDIES, VOL. 1 – E. P. Anshutz, 523 pag, Preţ special 25 lei. 

  6. NEW, OLD AND FORGOTTEN REMEDIES, VOL. 2 – E. P. Anshutz, 500 pag, Preţ special 25 lei. 

  7. ORGANON OF MEDICINE – S. Hahnemann, 295 pag., Preţ special 20 lei. 

  8. PRACTICE OF HOMOEOPATHY – Paul F. Curie, 244 pag., Preţ special 20 lei. 

  9. STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF HEALING – C. M. Boger, 159 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

  10.  THE GENIUS OF HOMEOPATHY – Dr Stuart M. Close, 380 pag, Preţ special 25 lei.

La comandarea celor 10 titluri, va acordam un pret redus de 200 lei (reducere de la 220 lei).

Mentionam ca taxele postale sunt de 10 lei, indiferent de nr. de carti comandate. Plata se face prin ramburs postal (Posta Romana).

Pentru comenzi ferme, va rugam sa trimiteti numele si adresa la care veti primi coletul. 

Puteti comanda la adresa de mail: alexandravasile84@yahoo.com

Daca acest mesaj v-a deranjat in orice fel, va rugam sa dati replay pentru a fi scosi din baza de date. Va multumim!

Descrierea cartilor:

1. ALLEN’S CLINICAL HINTS – T. F. Allen, 413 pag, Preţ special 25 lei. 

Primarily derived from T.F. Allen’s Encyclopedia and his clinical notes it offers great value in a library of limited space.

2. CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE – John H. Clarke, 167 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

No knowledge is perfect unless it includes an understanding of the origin – that is, the beginning; and as all man’s diseases originate in his constitution, it is necessary that his constitution should be known if we wish to know his diseases.


3. KEYNOTES And Characteristics With Comparisons of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica – H. C. Allen,  250 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

This book gives the characteristic of each remedy or what can be called as “red strand of the rope” and central modality.


4. KEYNOTES OF THE HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA – Dr. Adolph von Lippe, 182 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

One of the distinguishing features of homoeopathy is that the cure is accomplished by administering a medicine, the characteristic symptoms of which correspond with the characteristic symptoms of the patient. Characteristics symptoms show the peculiarities and differences of medicines, and have been ascertained by repeated verifications of symptoms obtained by provings on the healthy and cures on the sick.


5. NEW, OLD AND FORGOTTEN REMEDIES, VOL. 1 – E. P. Anshutz, 523 pag, Preţ special 25 lei.

Mr. Anshutz has succeeded in compiling a book which fills a vacant place and which beyond doubt will prove convenient and helpful to many a man who takes an active interest in materia medica and has not an exhaustive file of journals from which to glean the odd, stray articles or the time to keep track of them. A collection of essays gleaned from homeopathic literature, encompassing 117 remedies.


6. NEW, OLD AND FORGOTTEN REMEDIES, VOL. 2 – E. P. Anshutz, 500 pag, Preţ special 25 lei.

 7. ORGANON OF MEDICINE – S. Hahnemann, 295 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

Hahnemann’s “Organon” is the high water mark of medical philosophy, the practical interpretation of which produces a veritable mountains of light and will guide the physician by means of the Law of Cure to a new world of therapeutics. The book in this sixth edition is of the greatest interest and importance, completing as it does the marvelous array of Hahnemann’s philosophic insight into the practice of medicine.


8. PRACTICE OF HOMOEOPATHY – Paul F. Curie, 244 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

Simple and intelligible in its theory, and axiomatic in its principles, as homoeopathy undoubtedly is, its practical application is not therefore easy. On the contrary, to accomplish its proposed object, require much toil, study and observation; the extreme simplicity of the law of gravitation does not remove the difficulty or labour of its application in accounting for the various phenomena of the universe.

It is intended in the present work to lay before the professional reader such illustrations of the doctrine of Hahnemann as will enable him to arrive at a tolerably correct estimate of practical Homoeopathy.


 9. STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF HEALING – C. M. Boger, 159 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

The present work is a compilation of C. M. Boger articles from the Recorder and also those culled from his other writings and, we have no doubt, will be found to throw a flood of light on the subtle philosophy of homoeopathy, as enunciated by the master.


10.  THE GENIUS OF HOMEOPATHY – Dr Stuart M. Close, 380 pag, Preţ special 25 lei.

This book has been compiled with the object of presenting, as attractively as possible, an exposition of the logical, historical anq philosophical principles upon which homoeopathy is based and is an attempt to show, atleast suggesively, its relation as a department of general medicine to other sciences. This book is one of the clearest statements about the philosophical basis of homoeopathic study ever compiled.

1. ALLEN’S CLINICAL HINTS – T. F. Allen, 413 pag, Preţ special 25 lei. 

Primarily derived from T.F. Allen’s Encyclopedia and his clinical notes it offers great value in a library of limited space.


2. CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE – John H. Clarke, 167 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

No knowledge is perfect unless it includes an understanding of the origin – that is, the beginning; and as all man’s diseases originate in his constitution, it is necessary that his constitution should be known if we wish to know his diseases.



3. KEYNOTES And Characteristics With Comparisons of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica – H. C. Allen,  250 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

This book gives the characteristic of each remedy or what can be called as “red strand of the rope” and central modality.


4. KEYNOTES OF THE HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA – Dr. Adolph von Lippe, 182 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

One of the distinguishing features of homoeopathy is that the cure is accomplished by administering a medicine, the characteristic symptoms of which correspond with the characteristic symptoms of the patient. Characteristics symptoms show the peculiarities and differences of medicines, and have been ascertained by repeated verifications of symptoms obtained by provings on the healthy and cures on the sick.



5. NEW, OLD AND FORGOTTEN REMEDIES, VOL. 1 – E. P. Anshutz, 523 pag, Preţ special 25 lei.

Mr. Anshutz has succeeded in compiling a book which fills a vacant place and which beyond doubt will prove convenient and helpful to many a man who takes an active interest in materia medica and has not an exhaustive file of journals from which to glean the odd, stray articles or the time to keep track of them. A collection of essays gleaned from homeopathic literature, encompassing 117 remedies.


6. NEW, OLD AND FORGOTTEN REMEDIES, VOL. 2 – E. P. Anshutz, 500 pag, Preţ special 25 lei.


 7. ORGANON OF MEDICINE – S. Hahnemann, 295 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

Hahnemann’s “Organon” is the high water mark of medical philosophy, the practical interpretation of which produces a veritable mountains of light and will guide the physician by means of the Law of Cure to a new world of therapeutics. The book in this sixth edition is of the greatest interest and importance, completing as it does the marvelous array of Hahnemann’s philosophic insight into the practice of medicine.


8. PRACTICE OF HOMOEOPATHY – Paul F. Curie, 244 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

Simple and intelligible in its theory, and axiomatic in its principles, as homoeopathy undoubtedly is, its practical application is not therefore easy. On the contrary, to accomplish its proposed object, require much toil, study and observation; the extreme simplicity of the law of gravitation does not remove the difficulty or labour of its application in accounting for the various phenomena of the universe.

It is intended in the present work to lay before the professional reader such illustrations of the doctrine of Hahnemann as will enable him to arrive at a tolerably correct estimate of practical Homoeopathy.


 9. STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF HEALING – C. M. Boger, 159 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

The present work is a compilation of C. M. Boger articles from the Recorder and also those culled from his other writings and, we have no doubt, will be found to throw a flood of light on the subtle philosophy of homoeopathy, as enunciated by the master.


10.  THE GENIUS OF HOMEOPATHY – Dr Stuart M. Close, 380 pag, Preţ special 25 lei.

This book has been compiled with the object of presenting, as attractively as possible, an exposition of the logical, historical anq philosophical principles upon which homoeopathy is based and is an attempt to show, atleast suggesively, its relation as a department of general medicine to other sciences. This book is one of the clearest statements about the philosophical basis of homoeopathic study ever compiled.

Va puteti completa biblioteca de carti in limba engleza, cumparand urmatoarele carti esentiale pentru practica homeopata la preturi speciale, de doar 20 si 25 lei:

Essential Homeopathic Books

(cărţi tipărite în lb. engleză) 

  1. ALLEN’S CLINICAL HINTS – T. F. Allen, 413 pag, Preţ special 25 lei. 

  2. CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE – John H. Clarke, 167 pag., Preţ special 20 lei. 

  3. KEYNOTES And Characteristics With Comparisons of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica – H. C. Allen,  250 pag., Preţ special 20 lei. 

  4. KEYNOTES OF THE HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA – Dr. Adolph von Lippe, 182 pag., Preţ special 20 lei. 

  5. NEW, OLD AND FORGOTTEN REMEDIES, VOL. 1 – E. P. Anshutz, 523 pag, Preţ special 25 lei. 

  6. NEW, OLD AND FORGOTTEN REMEDIES, VOL. 2 – E. P. Anshutz, 500 pag, Preţ special 25 lei. 

  7. ORGANON OF MEDICINE – S. Hahnemann, 295 pag., Preţ special 20 lei. 

  8. PRACTICE OF HOMOEOPATHY – Paul F. Curie, 244 pag., Preţ special 20 lei. 

  9. STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF HEALING – C. M. Boger, 159 pag., Preţ special 20 lei.

  10.  THE GENIUS OF HOMEOPATHY – Dr Stuart M. Close, 380 pag, Preţ special 25 lei.

La comandarea celor 10 titluri, va acordam un pret redus de 200 lei (reducere de la 220 lei).

Mentionam ca taxele postale sunt de 10 lei, indiferent de nr. de carti comandate. Plata se face prin ramburs postal (Posta Romana).

Pentru comenzi ferme, va rugam sa trimiteti numele si adresa la care veti primi coletul. 

Puteti comanda la adresa de mail: alexandravasile84@yahoo.com

Daca acest mesaj v-a deranjat in orice fel, va rugam sa dati replay pentru a fi scosi din baza de date. Va multumim!



Cartea se adreseaza elevilor si studentilor dar si celor care isi doresc sa obtina performanta in citirea rapida.

Cartea este conceputa in 10 pasi usor de urmat, iar scopul final este acela ca, prin exersare, fiecare sa isi dubleze viteza de citire actuala.

Alaturi de citirea rapida sunt abordate teme ale dezvoltarii personale, dorindu-se a fi un ajutor insemnat pentru aceia care pun accent pe programul individual.

Cartea trateaza in mod logic citirea rapida incercand sa elimine limbajul greoi, axandu-se in primul rand pe corectarea principalelor probleme care ne impiedica, in acest moment, sa citim rapid.

Pentru copii, sau pentru prieteni, cartea poate fi un cadou excelent deoarece va deschide orizontul unui tanar, indepartandu-l de nocivitatea orelor petrecute in fata calculatorului, ajutandu-l ca prin citirea rapida sa redescopere placerea de a citi precum si apetitul pentru cultura.

Citirea rapida reprezinta primul pas spre genialitate. Iar viitorul apartine celor geniali.

220 pagini – pret 25 lei



Puteti comanda la adresa de mail: sil.vasile@yahoo.com

Pentru comenzi ferme, va rugam sa trimiteti numele si adresa la care veti primi coletul.

Mentionam ca taxele postale sunt de 5 ron, plata prin ramburs postal.

Daca acest mesaj v-a deranjat in orice fel, va rugam sa dati replay pentru a fi scosi din baza de date. Va multumim!

Va supunem atentiei aparitia urmatorului titlu:


Descriere: Aceasta editie se adauga cu succes operelor literaturii homeopate, in incercarea de pune la dispoziţia celor interesati observatiile si logica lui Boenninghausen precum si notele adaugate de Dr. Boger de-a lungul anilor sai de studiu si practica. Astfel, această editie aduce atat studenţilor homeopaţi cat si practicienilor cu experienta un serviciu notabil prin valorificarea unui volum nepreţuit.

Lucrarile lui Boenninghausen sunt reprezentative in ceea ce priveste logica, filosofia si aplicabilitatea descrise de predecesorii sai, aceasta lucrare fiind cea mai cuprinzătoare, cu 140 de remedii, avand o influenţă marcantă asupra studiului homeopatiei. Schema de prezentare a remediilor urmeaza schema clasica a Repertoarului. 

630 pagini – 60 lei.




Mentionam ca taxele postale sunt de 10 ron, plata prin ramburs postal.

Pentru comenzi ferme, va rugam sa trimiteti numele si adresa la care veti primi coletul. 

Puteti comanda la adresa de mail: alexandravasile84@yahoo.com